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mantua ice update?>
anyone have recent mantua ice conditions?
Reports are that it's a slushy mess right now. And rare reports of people catching significant numbers of fish.

Someone poisoned that pond last fall and forgot to tell us!
We went out on the 18th and managed 7 trout and one perch. It was definitely slow.
Hey Lava,
What's your prognostications for the ice condition once this storm blows over and the cold hits? How about Hyrum? I'm thinking sometime after Christmas I'll have to get my ice gear together and give it a try...

Not much from Bear Lake lately so I don't know if the whitefish is over or not... Sure like to go get some more of those tasty treats, but with all the wind I'm sure the lake will be too rough for the toon... Well I'll watch for your reports on where is safe and worth spending the time... Hope to join you guys on the hard deck soon.... Have you heard anything from John lately? He has really disappeared this year... Hope the ice will get him back out... Good luck... Later J
I think it will be a good week or so before things solidify at both Mantua (nobody likes fishing in the slush-monster) and Hyrum (3/4 open water last I checked). The lower temps should help speed up the process.

As for John, your guess is as good as mine. Last I heard, he wanted to sell all his fishing gear and join Pro-Liberal rallies? I could be wrong.
Went up there this morning. Like previous reports, SLUSHY!! We didn't fish more than 20 minutes before it soaked through my pack boots and that put an end to the fishing. Plan on wearing waders or mud boots if you go!!
Wow I hadn't heard that about Yote, I thought he was just chasing women.

I see the temps this morning aren't as cold as they were predicting so I don't know if we'll get good ice by new year or not. Hope we do. If so we'll see ya soon on the deck. Later J
Pretty sure if the temps hit the -10 they are predicting for Saturday that will fix your slush monster in one or two nights. But it makes it tough to drill holes after the weird freezing patterns. I'm thinking Sunday will be the good day, but that won't work for my church habit so I guess next weekend for me. Good luck when you get there and Merry Christmas. J
Fished Mantua today, fishing was sloooow and yes were talking a foot of slop sittin on the ice so if you don't have 100% waterproof boots then forget it...also its hard going if you plan to cover any few days should bring temps to freeze all the slush for sure...
Thank you for the update. That sounds like a tough slog to fish. My muck boots have holes in the back of my ankles so I better stay away until that stuff on top sets up a bit. Funny it hasn't frozen back yet. Didn't get as cold over night as they predicted and the forecast is mellowing so we may not get good safe ice fishing by New Years. Hope I'm wrong. Thanks again for the update and hope today is enjoyable for you and yours. Later J

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