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Easy fishing for young scouts
Hello all,

I'm looking to take a group of scouts out Saturday morning to finish up the fishing merit badge. I haven't been able to get out much because of work, so my scouting has been horrible. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good place? I'm looking for a spot that I can get these kids into a few fish, species and size don't matter. Anywhere within a two hour drive of Lehi. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Scofield would be my #1 choice. Tons of chubs to keep the young men busy. Mixed in with a few small trout. Should satisfy the merit badge.
Scofield...definitely! Enjoy the out with the boys.
I had to call in sick so I could go to Lake Powell!
I remember the days when you'd get a recommendation for Scofield because of the limits of hefty Rainbow Trout. What a Sad commentary on the state of affairs at what has typically been the second most popular fishery in the state.
[Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy]

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{{[/green][size 4][blue]⦇[/blue][/size][blue]°[/blue][#8000FF]>[/#8000FF]
Absolutely +1
[quote Fishrmn]I remember the days when you'd get a recommendation for Scofield because of the limits of hefty Rainbow Trout. What a Sad commentary on the state of affairs at what has typically been the second most popular fishery in the state.
[Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy] [Sad] [crazy]

And it wasn't all that long ago. Times sure have changed, haven't they?
I agree with everyone else, scofield is the best place to take a bunch of kids. Look at the post labeled "Scofield Report" that was posted a few days ago. It has some photos and details that can help you. Good luck!
Here is the post that has some detail that may be able to help you.
A huge thank you to everyone that was willing to give some advise. Looks like we'll be heading to Scofield.

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