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Second Rod Stamp
Hello, I am going to buy my license online. I always buy the second rod stamp, but I do not see it on the site this time. I tried searching the forum, but didn't find anything about a change in the law. Is a second rod stamp required to fish 2 poles on the ice? Can anyone link/guide me to the site page where a non resident second rod stamp is available? Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
I think the 2nd pole stamp is included with the regular license now. I'll look for documentation.
This is from 2014 but it states that they did away with requiring a 2nd pole permit. You're good to go.

"Starting July 1, anyone with a fishing license can fish with two fishing poles. A separate two-pole permit will not be required."

Thank you, I appreciate it very much.
Another question: If I choose to have the annual license shipped to me, can I still print one to bring up with me tonight?

Edit* Never mind, I was able to print also.
Yeah, you should be able to print one just fine. I always get mine at the last second, print a temporary one at home, then get the real deal in the mail like a week later. I'm assuming it wouldn't be any different even though you're buying non-resident.
Page 10 of the 2016 Utah Fishing Guidebook states:

Utah Administrative Rules R657-13-6,R657-13-7 and R 657-13-11

"If you are under the age of 12 or have a valid Utah fishing or combination license, you can fish with two poles at any water in the state during its open fishing season. You may keep only one daily limit of fish. Using a second pole does NOT allow you to keep two daily limits of fish."

As far as non-resident status goes, I would interpret a "valid Utah fishing or combination license" to include resident and non-resident licenses. The full Utah Administrative Rules may have more info about resident vs. non-resident but reading legal documents makes me sleepy.
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If you have a smart phone you can also download the state app. You can download your license on the app and that is accepted if you are ever asked to show your license.
The DWR has an app for android, probably for i-products as well, that allows you to carry a virtual license that is as valid as a hard copy. You can also have multiple licenses downloaded. Went out last week and had to buy a license for my 12yo son. I downloaded his license and didn't have to worry about him remembering to bring it.
A walk in permit can also be carried in the phone.
Excellent, thanks.
That is great information, thank you much.

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