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lower south fork access
Can anybody tell me where you can access the river between Lorenzo and Menan?
I have drove all over the place looking for spots to do a bit of bank fishing.
Did ok by the Menan boat ramp, but other than that all I have found is the area by highway 20 at the railroad bridge.

Is there any other access between there and Roberts?

Thanks in advance.
theres a boat launch west of the lorenzo bridge .take the first exit south of the bridge heading to menan look for the road on your right.
that's where we started fishing last weekend.[fishin]

Looking for an access that is a bit out of the way.
So, you've never heard of GoogleEarth? There's no more secrets thanks to GoogleEarth. It used to be blurry and of limited value but now its got amazing detail. Parking pullouts, campsites, trails and fishin' holes are quite visible in the most recent imagery.

Most, but not all, of the land on the lower SF that is between the flood control dikes is BLM land. Here's an interactive map that identifies BLM property (check "surface management agency" layer option).
Use it all the time, Kind of misleading, almost every road shown is gated or posted.
I drove the whole section on the south side of the river from Market Lake over to the Lorenzo/highway 20 bridge.
found 3 places you could get to the river, 2 were boat launches and the other was the area below the menan boat ramp by the bridge.
That is quite a lot of river locked up.

I'm really looking into buying a boat that can handle the river.

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