06-10-2016, 09:00 AM
A &quot;mixed bag&quot; fishing trip Wednesday. I needed to relax after tossing big crankbaits my last trip and Deb needed a fishing trip after being sick for awhile with a nasty E.coli infection. We got out around 11:00 am in the pontoon - bluebird skies and windy. We caught 20-25 bass...most in the small to average range. We covered about every bass you can catch...largemouth...two spots...a smallmouth... a white bass...yellow bass. I&#39;m catching a smallmouth about every trip no matter what type of fishing this year. A good sign for the lake. We caught black and white crappie. It would have been one of those perfect days if I hadn&#39;t lost a 25-30 pound blue cat literally inches from the net. It &quot;popped&quot; my 6-pound test line as it worked it&#39;s head up out of the water. Deb and I usually work well in tandem together but it can be difficult working in a narrow doorway sometimes. It was caught and lost early so the good catching later made us forget about it after awhile.<br /><br />Deb caught fishing &quot;fever&quot; later in life and it&#39;s rubbed off on her sons as she has two sons that fish the Thursday night dogfights and now even her 11 year old grandson Dylan is fishing them also. Very cool...<br /><br />