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Schofield tips for scouts??
I'm taking the scouts up to Schofield on Thursday and wondered if anyone has tips they would be willing to share. We will have a small fishing boat, so we'll be taking turns fishing from shore and in the boat. Any help is greatly appreciated! We have reserved a group area for the day, so if we can fish near there, that would be great, but we'll go where the fish are. Smile
Good luck it sounds like fun.... Sorry I don't know the water to be of any help or I would... Later J
From the shore one of the easiest spots is to pull your vehicle into the dam cove and you can fish right from the truck. The fishing can stop if there is a lot surface activity but on a Thursday I would think you would be just fine. The rocks at Madsen bay can also be a good shore spot. From the boat trolling can be good south of madsen on the west side or any rocky points. I used to fish Scofield weekly but because of the quality of trophy fish being down I haven't been there this year. it is really hard not to have quick action for chubs and small trout anywhere on the lake so if you are not catching I would recommend moving. A standard weight and worm should do the trick as well as any small spinners (I like gold) For bigger trout try chubs or shiners. Good luck
I've been there once this year, and it was tough. Just about every where we went we saw fish on the finder, and they were mostly chubs.

We caught chubs jigging vertically with small pieces of worm, and small pieces of other chubs on a small lead head. We also caught chubs on a basic hook swivel, sliding sinker setup, with worm on the bottom, and power bait floating 2-3 ft up.

Basically no matter what we did, we caught chubs. We only pulled out one skinny cutthroat all day; so if you're looking for trout, I have no advice. [:/]
Thank you for the tips! Sounds like we're headed to catch chubs! Smile. I appreciate the tips.
Thanks for the info guys. Bassomatic, I sent you a PM. Thanks!
Catch chubs with a tiny hook and worm that will keep them busy then use chub meat for bait . Tigers and Cutts love chub meat.
That sounds like a great tip! Will have to give it a try. Thank you!
One thing I forgot to say is use a floater on your leader it keeps the bait off the bottom . It's a small bobber the size of a dime Sportsmans has them in the fly fishing section. They come in green or red I have more luck with the green for some reason.
Thank you! We'll give it a try!Smile
Thanks Ocean!!
The scouts should have fun catching tons of chubs. Please don't throw any back alive Smile

I use two methods and with a scout group, it can be fun to see who can catch two at a time on a single pole Smile

I use small tubes (1-1.5") tipped with worm fished one on the bottom and one 12-18" up on the same pole.

Trolling flies or small wedding rings tipped with worm, or the same tube jig rigs slowly can also be very productive.

If you want to try and catch bigger fish, tip some 3-4" white/speckled tubes with fresh chub meat and go for it.

Most likely you'll catch a bunch of small, rocket cutts and more chubs. But maybe there are still some big ones down there.

Either way, usually the catching is pretty quick for the smaller cutts and chubs so the scouts should have fun reeling in something.
Thanks for all the tips! The kitchen was fast inferius exactly as you predicted. We didn't catch any big ones but we did catch a few cutts. Tons and tons of jobs. We couldn't keep them off the line. It was crazy call me when you marked on the fishfinder they were everywhere the schools were huge they look like a bait ball rather than a school of fish they were so thick.

Thanks again for all the tips, it was a great trip.

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