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Big Fish


Before commercial fishing became overtaken by huge fleets and long-line fisherman, people could still catch fish that defied imagination. Black Sea Bass are masters of hiding on the bottom of the sea in caves and crevices and are believed to live for over a hundred years if given the the opportunity. In the early 1900’s, people started moving to the California coast and discovered fish so enormous that some of the records from that time still stand to this day. This image of Edward Llewellen and his world record black sea bass is astounding. Weighing in at 425 lbs, this fish caught off of Catalina Island on August 26th, 1903 shook the fishing world.
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that fish is so big it doesn't even look real , almost looks like one of those gag post cards you could buy.
We have a few remnants of large living things from the past like the giant Sequoia trees. We see our lake trout getting large by virtue of living many decades. It makes sense to me that an ocean fish over a hundred years old would be big.

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