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Just caught my 4th Cutt, on my 4 Cutt Slam quest
Kent and I got up to the NW corner of Utah yesterday to get my second Cutt for the Utah 4 Cutt Slam. It was a Yellowstone Cutt that we found in the Raft river range. My first Cutt was caught up at Bear lake. My next quest will be either the Bonneville or the Colorado river Cutt. Its a lot of leg work tracking down the locations of where to go for these fish. I hope some of you will be getting out and trying for the Slam yourself. The funds for the slam go to steam restoration and everything involved in getting these fish reintroduced into their historical range. For more info on the Utah 4 cutt slam, go to this link:

I gotta get going on this. That is a pretty little guy. I don't need your spot but could you tell me how long the drive was to that area? I have checked it out on the map but don't know how long it would be to drive there.
I know it was longer for Kent but it was over a 2 hr drive for me. We stopped to look at the map and it was slower once we got off the main road and on a 4x4 rd. It might be closer to 2.5 hrs from Ogden but we did hit a stream that we could have fished that was lower down stream but there was already someone there. These creeks are very small only 2 ft wide in some spots. The Yellowstone cutt is the hardest one to get, then the Colorado river cutt. Good luck.
If you don't mind me asking, fly rod? Spinning rod?
Congrats on number two.... So I thought the cuts in Bear Lake were Bonneville cuts... I guess I'm mistaken... What are the ones in Logan River considered? Cool to know there are fish in some of those creeks in the raft rivers... I remembers seeing some of the coolest beaver ponds out there hunting deer years ago... I love that range of mountains... lots of good memories hunting out there... Later J
Good work! I just finished the slam myself yesterday on the Logan, catching the Bear River Cuttie! The Yellowstone was a tricky one because of the long drive and the small stream, and even though the biggest I caught was only about 7 inches, they're a beautiful fish! Good luck catching the other 2!
We were using spinning rods & reels and were using grasshoppers for bait. You have Zero room to cast, so we were just dropping straight down or a slight forward toss.
Bear Lake have the Bear lake strain of Cutts and the Bear lake and Bonneville strains are so close that you would need to take they to the lab to tell them apart. I've been contacting Paul Thompson the Northern Region Aquatics Manager for the DWR to get the info on these fish and the way it was explained to me, is that you just have to fish in different drainage for the cutts to count between the Bear lake and the Bonneville strains of cutts. You would have to contact him to find out what is in the Logan river.
Congratulations on completing the slam, how long did it take you?
Definitely a long drive to catch one small fish (perhaps could have caught a few more and I had another one at the net, but no need to catch more than one) and still one of my best outings. Look forward to chasing the Colorado cutt with you Curtis.
Hopefully next week we can try for that Colo river cutt, I'm going to talk with Paul Monday morning and I'll let you know right after that. Looking forward to getting out with you again, for that last hard fish to catch[:/].l I hope the hardest part is, the drive there and back[Wink].
It took me about a month and a half, but I was lucky enough to catch them all on the first trip to each location! It also helped that I'm a young college student with no real responsibilities this summer so I could go just about anytime!
As of this morning, I am also "Two Cutts down on my 4 Cutt Slam quest". Less than 10 minute drive from my home, approximately a 3/4 mile hike, one cast and less than 1 minute later I caught my first of six Bonneville cutts. To my fellow BFT members, please don't guess or ask me where I fished. This is a fragile area that could quickly be fished out.

[inline "Bonneville Cutt.jpg"]
Thats a pretty nice cutt from that area. Good work.
Thanks and I saw some bigger ones.
Curt, which strain of Cut is in the Middle Fork of the Ogden?
I was once told it was Bonneville.
Sweet! I love the raft river mountains. Small streams full of fish.
For my slam they are Bonneville but what the biologist told me was that the Bonneville and the Bear River Cutts are so closely related that you have to get a lab to tell them apart. So he told me any cutt I caught along the Wasatch could be considered a Bonneville but there are some Bear River cutts in the Weber River and a few other locations so he said you could catch both along the Wasatch front as long as they were from different drainage's. To find out which ones could be counted, without going to Bear Lake, as I did, you would need to talk to Paul.
Yea, I should have taken a pic of how small these streams are there, for sure some of the smallest I've fished.
Nice going Kent, hope I have as easy a job getting my Bonneville cutt as you did.

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