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3 weekend coming up
Labor Day. The last official day of the 101 days of summer. I know almost any body of water in north Utah is going to be jam packed with watercraft of all shapes and sizes. I want to get some more fishing in, and am trying to decide between Willard, which is the closest to where I live and maybe my best bet for catching some fish, but will most likely be bow to transom ski boats. Or Lost Creek, farther away, but no high speed power squadron boats or PWC's to contend with, and for me, a bit less likely to catch much. Or Benson Marina. About the same distance from me to it as from me to LC. Always catch SOMETHING, even if it's carp to put away as bait. But it is always so shallow, can't get into the deeper holes where the bigger cats may be hiding. Maybe I can give the guys in the Cat Contest some competition for the SMALLEST Cat.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Tin-Can, I've made a weekly trip to Lost Creek all summer and have done well. Trolling with an ounce and a half bottom bouncer and a spinner worm harness has been catching fish. Dangling a couple chronimids a foot off the bottom along the dam has produced some fast action at times. Did I see your boat out at Willard this morning?

Tin can,
Do yourself a favor and bail on all those northern lakes!
Come down to Fish Lake and I will get you set up on the basics (other than macs, haven't figured them out yet).
Rainbows, albinos, tigers, macs, browns, splake, big chubs, and literally a boat load of perch.
The sky is the limit.
Hey Forest let me know if you decide on the marina, I can help ya into the deeper holes... Water is still at regular summer levels which isn't deep, but still enough to navigate around... There will be lots of skiers on the main body, but the river is less traveled and that's where you probably want to be this time of year... Good luck where ever you decide to go... Later J
Might do that some day when I can make a 2 or 3 day trip. When I do, I'll holler at ya.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Nope Larry, wasn't me out at WB today. Unfortunately, I'm at work [frown]. There are at least 2 other small Lund 14-16 footers and I think maybe a Smokercraft that is about same color that fish WB pretty regular.
Thanks for the tips on LC.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Jeff, I expect some Carp Hunters, but I thought that body of water was restricted to boats at 35HP or less. I thought I read that on the Pacific Corp sign over by the trash cans. I've seen some boats out there that I know draft more water than I do. Can't figure out how they keep from hitting the bottom with their props.
If I decide to head that way, I'll send you a text. I still have your #. But don't hold off doing anything waiting for me, may not decide till last minute. Thanks
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Forest I think the 35 hp has a time of year attached to it. I believe it's ok to use bigger engines this time of year. If not, there sure are a lot of ski boats in trouble. Let me know if you decide to go, I think I'll try and get out for a little while and chase a cat. May have to move a sprinkler and sell some hay in the middle of things. But I'm hoping to wet a line. Later J

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