09-13-2016, 09:00 AM
I feel this one is going to be a tough tournament. The forecast for fishing that day is just barely above the fair mark.
The Nick has been producing a lot of fish just not a lot of size lately. That is what I found this morning also. I boated 16 bass, 1 striper and a gizzard shad. emoRolleyes A couple of those bass were not too much bigger then the bait I was using. emoDoh Best one was 3/4 (below), and the best three were 8/9. Bad to say but I would take that Saturday. emoRedface I just hope I can boat three keepers. Best baits today were the shakey, spook, jerk and buzz.<br /><br />I always struggle this time of year on the Nick and second guess myself. I can&#39;t decide which way to go from Sullivan&#39;s. Do I go up river or down river. emoScratch Do I head for the lower end and try for some large mouth or take the safer route and head up river where you can probably pick up three spots if you had to. emoConfused Right now my plan is to probably sit back and watch Nunley. Whatever direction he goes, I think I will go the other. emoEvil <br /><br />Hope we have a good turn out. If you count those who signed up there are nineteen boats. Looking forward to seeing you all there. emoThumbsup Jmax