10-01-2016, 09:00 AM
Today the wind blew and the air temps were a lot cooler than what we have had the opportunity to experience in what seems a "long time". With these cooler temps the fish activity should start to increase a lot within the next few days. We got an early start today with just a sample of some of the activity we can expect soon, and my 2 clients seen just how aggressive these fish can get when the cooler temps change their "lathargic mood". We were able to get a few early on with Choo Choo Lures Spinnerbaits, then as the sun got up moved out to some deeper grass areas with some Swimjigs and was able to get a little better quality. I think one of the guys called it "slow swim rolling a jig", a pert near close description of what we were doing at the time. Either way you look at it we had a great time and were able to put a few fish in the boat,"OH" and we can't forget the "one that got away", we decided it had somewhere else better to go instead of the boat and broke the line, typical day of fishing! Have fun. Mike Carter