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Looking for an inexpensive 12 v battery for my green fishing lights, any ideas where to get one.Thanks for your help.
Any fishfinder battery should work ,check Amazon or batteries+ should be able to find one for around 20 bucks.
I just ordered this one on amazon for my light.

ExpertPower 12V 7 Amp EXP1270 Rechargeable Lead Acid Battery
I see you've had some responses. When I've had to replace 12V batteries for my fishfinders I usually check eBay and purchase the 9ah batteries. They are only a few dollars more and they last quite a bit longer than a 7ah model.

Our local Walmart started carrying them over by the ice fishing stuff for $19 bucks I think.. Could check your Walmart and see if they started to carry them..
Well just canceled that order of the 7ah battery. Thanks for posting that. Changed my order to the 12ah one. For only a couple dollars more.
Thanks for all the input all great ideas I will report if I think the green lights make a difference or not.
When are you going to test it out? Which light did you get? Mine should be here Saturday sometime. I am interested to see if it helps. I have heard some good results.
I see you already ordered the battery. I buy my batteries from Ebay. I can get 2 batteries for the price of just one off of other sites, usually with free shipping too. I have never ran into a problem yet with doing it that way either. It gives me a back up battery I can use if one happens to go dead or I forget to charge one.
Ebay and Amazon are such great places to get stuff, when you are thinking ahead. [sly]

I'm running all my electronics on small "lawnmower" batteries just from Lowe's or Ace.
I used to get mine in the industrial side of NPS. Last i looked they wanted $10 for them. They are used, i think they are cycled out of backup power supplies and emergency lights. Never had a problem with them.