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Full Version: Best Hand Auger???
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I am looking forward to ice season, but last year my auger was so hard to use. I replaced the blades and that temporarily eased the process, but now I am looking to buy a new hand auger. Dont have quite enough for a gas powered one. Does anyone have suggestions on what type I should purchase. My last one was one from sportsmans warehouse and was red in color, I have forgotten the brand. Just looking for somethign better now.

If you only want to buy one hand auger for the rest of your life. Try a Nils. I have a 6" easy and fast for a hand auger.
You have an Eskimo.
A better brand would be Strikemaster or Nils.
Both will cost a lot more but are probably worth it.
You may also want to think about going down a size and get a 6" auger.
They are a lot easier to drill.
I've owned a few different augers over the years. Last year I bought a 7" Strikemaster Lazer, and it is the cats meow!

Best auger I've used, but I haven't tried the Nils.
I sprung for the 8" Nils last year...ordered it online to be shipped to Cabela's. I love it! I would highly recommend it. Did lots of late season fishing drilling through 18"+ and I still didn't hesitate to drill another hole when it was time to move.
Love my 7" Strikemaster. IMO best hand auger out there, but I've never tried the Nils either.
just dont buy an Eskimo unless you want to have reconstructive shoulder

Wana buy mine.....hahaha

That is what they sell at sportsmans that is red in color. I am very unsatisfied. Id rather use my finger nails to scrape through the ice....
The one with the sharpest blades....
Its all about your blades... Keep them sharp
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000]Another vote for the 7" Strikemaster Laser[/#000000][/font]
Got a Nils last year and absolutely love it! I would highly recommend a Nils.
the best one i have found was one that ya pull start and punch holes in half the time and with little expance of enargy.. lol the best addvice i can give ya is save up and get a gas auger. save your self and make ice fishing much more enjoyable for your self! [crazy]
Ron buddy, I gotta disagree in part at least until late January and into February where a gas auger is a must.

I can drill no problem at all with my Strikemaster. Pretty easily in fact. It's only when it gets to be a good 10+ that I'm wishing for a gas auger! - it's all about the blades like somebody in here suggested.
well i have found that a ice bar for ice up to 6 to 8 inchs work best.. after that the gas auger does it up fast.. i have had a hand auger for years.. and did not think it was so bad.. that was tell i tryed a real auger and would never go back to a hand auger.. [crazy]
If numbers matter to you - then I'll add one more vote for the Strikemaster and another negative for the Eskimo.

My bro got the latter, and after a year he got one like mine. I've used it two years now and I can still get thru 4"-6" before a gas one has its engine running. Though when it's late in the season and I have to drill thru 18+", it does provide exercise for me and my son. And if it's a group that's coming with me, I try to get someone with a power version to come along. [cool]
you would be happy with the lasar auger..if you want to spend a little more.nills is the best..but they exspesive...the laser probly best for the amount