Just putting some feelers out here. Would anyone be interested in participating in a fly swap for carp flies? I'm getting antsy for the Spring and something like this would give me something to do.
I'm thinking at least 10 people, with 10 flies tied each. Let me know if you are interested and I will put it together if there are enough people.

Yes, i'm in for sure![cool]
I'm am interested....count me in....never fished for carp but this is a great reason to start...
Can I just tie san juan worms? Haha thats all I usually use for them because they work so well. I would be interested.
I will jump in but some of mine may end up being store bought.
[quote flyfishingfool]Can I just tie san juan worms? Haha thats all I usually use for them because they work so well. I would be interested.[/quote]
I was thinking a GLOW BUG.[cool]
No problem. Tie up whatever you like. If it works that is even better [

Sounds good to me.
ill kick in a few
Great! So far that puts the list to:
I'll wait a bit longer to see if there is anyone else who wants to jump in. I'm no pro at tying myself, so don't let that hold you back if you are considering it.
I'll PM all of you with an address once we have a set list. We'll keep it 10 flies and if no one else joins I'll just split up the flies evenly for the return. Any other ideas just drop me a line via PM or on here. Thanks!
Count me in buddy! I'm excited about this!
So where are we at on this Carp Fly Swap? How many and what is the deadline?
I am doing my luck #12 bead head Prince Nymph.
It looks like the final list is
We'll make it easy for the exchange and set the number of flies to 9. Tie 9 and receive 9. I would like to be sending the packages back to people by the beginning of March, so we'll set the deadline as the end of February.
I'm excited to see what everyone sends! As I get them I'll put up pictures too.
Joni, I'm glad you'll be sending the "lucky" ones, I can use all the help I can get! [

PMs sent. Let me know if you did not get one.
ChrisTheFish, if everyone sends "NINE" that means everyone gets one of their own back.
You can keep MINE (and maybe others will agree) and make a Carp box for a special drawing or something like that. I will even send 12 so you can put 4 in the special box.
Oh Man! I was hoping for some extra flies! [cool] Actually, I just didn't think about that, so I am glad you pointed it out and the drawing for the extra box sounds great. I suppose we could maybe even send it to the first person to catch a certain size or weight of carp this year. Then again, maybe the drawing would be a bit more straight forward.
I am throwing a couple other flies I have had luckmon for you the swapmeister.
Received a package in the mail today from Flygoddess and MatchT. Awesome looking flies! I'll try and get some pictures up tomorrow if I get home in time. I can't wait to try those patterns out! [cool]