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lonehunter skunked !
that's right , i got skunked ! went fishing over to the lake above the dam . the lake that the lake homeoners association wants to become private .

every time i go below the lake's dam i have this numskull of a busybody commin' down on his golfcart to watch me treck thru the marsh to get to the river . well yesterday i was going for some kittys or crappie in the lake , it's my lake just as much as it is theres . but how do you fish it with a no tresspassing sign and gate on a state land easement owned by the county ?

WADERS ! thats right waders ! i can walk that bank in the water and fish as long as i want and there's not a thing those association people can do about it leagely . the land under the water is all state land .

but ileagely , one of thoes so-n-so's tossed a roadkill skunk into my jeep . the local cops had the same idea on the culprit that i did , he's always calling them to complain , as far as our 452 law (fishing harasement ) it didn't stop me from fishing so it dosen't apply . they said no witnesses , no case . at most a mistermenor infraction . misterminor my big toe , do you know what it costs to replace a vehicals interior ??????? i don't call that a prank , i call it willfull destruction of property .

well i spent the day de-scenting my jeep , pulled everything out to the bare metal , next i made a huge tarp tent over the burning pit and got a bunch of coals going and covered them with wet leaves and then put the seats carpets and liners in the tent . the smoke from the leaves release an enzine that nutralizes skunk oder . after that it was lysall, oxi-clean (that stuff is great ! ) and a scrub brush , a little elbo grease too !

everythig is almost dry and should be ready to be put back in on sunday , fresh as a daisey !

the bonehead is gonna be surprised to see me there tomorow afternoon , and just in case , the alarm will be on too ! i thought of wading over in front of his house to fish , that way i could keep an eye on him , but that would just be rubbing salt in that open wound of a mind he's got .

being vendictive is not something i want to present us fishermen as being , but going back to the bank to fish will show that i'm not gonna let some jerk bully us fishermen out of our rights either !

by the way , no crappies , no cats , just more darned gills !
skip the alarm, what you need is a man with a camera and a vidio camera. then turn it over to your local news station. when filmed in action of a crime his picture can be shown on telivision.

I am sure every one else in town would like to know who it is as well. let justice come from his peers. I am sure his church would like to know what kind of man is sitting in their congrigation as well.

any way once caught he will be the first person the police come to question any time some thing happens in town. he will never live it down.

Hi lonehunter,

I'm sorry! I had to laugh on that dead skunk business. If you lived near me you would find that our stores are all out of fresh dead skunks. ha ha ha

How much you wanna bet that turkey lives alone?! If he's down at your jeep messing with it, who's minding HIS store?
I had a friend have a buddy lay down in the back of his car and catch a jerk that was messing with his car. Three cell phone calls and this guy was the center of attention at a suprise party. The perp was an ex-girlfriend.

Do you have anyone who was willing to take a coupla snapshots of this turkey in the act AND call the police indicating someone MAY have a weapon. Nothing gets the cops out quicker than if they think a gun is involved.

You can often get on the web and find out (for free) the phone number and address or name of a person with the reverse information sites. All you need is one of those bits of information. It would make it easier for the police to be waiting for him when he got back from his little trip to your jeep. ha ha ha

Good luck and...... this email will self-destruct in 10 seconds. Pssshtttt!!

well , my feeling is that this guy is just an unhappy person , just not satisfied with things that have happened in his life . if it's not someone fishing , it will be something or someone else , there will always be something to put the blame on for an unhappy existance .

sooner or later this guy may realise that all these bad things are trivial . for his sake , i hope it is sooner . life is too darn short to spend it being bitter .

the association people feel that they have more of a say-so over the lake than others , heck , it's there neighborhood , i can see why they feel that way , truth is they own the land that adjoins the lake , they are paying more taxes for that privilige , that was there choice . it doesn't mean they own the lake completley . it belongs to all of us. they fail to see the other million or so taxpayers that also pay taxes to keep this lake healthy , it balances out the "we pay more taxes" statement they feel is an important issue .

instead of turning this into a battle of wits and rights , i'm going to try a different approach , a friendly conversation . a simple hello .set an example for him to see that were not here to destroy this area , but to responsibley share what we are both given .

this guy is bitter , he just may need a friend to show him the way .
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it hadda rain today , i could have had it done by now ! oh well , feels like fishing weather anyway !
it is not a good idea to aproach in for any reason.

you aproach him and he will call the cops on you for harassment, then when you have to call them you will be up a creek with out a fishing pole.

if you cant get some one to watch your truck you can get one of them deer cameras that go off when there is movement by your bait pile. it also times the pictures as well. best part is they come already camo colored.

Hi there lonehunter,

At the risk of becoming an armchair warrior, I couldn't have said what davetclown did in 5 times the verbage. Outstanding advice. Too many crazies in the world to not expect anything on a direct confrontation.

This guy is not unhappy he is criminal, what he or someone did has a Penal Code number and description under it and it may be a felony! I must admit, I'm a rather vendictive person with it comes to being wronged with no true provacation.

Even if the police said they could do nothing because your vehicle was blah blah blah they would still have to take a report, for your protection, if you weren't doing something illegal like tresspassing or illegal parking.

Protect yourself, there's too many nuts out there that will come after you with no other provacation than you're going back the next day!!!

By the way did you go back and fish the next day? The best revenge is to go fishing!

yea , i did go out yesterday , but , not to the same place . i had my little one with me so we went to another lake in the southern end of the county . on her first cast she cought onto a 16 " smallmouth bass . i thought she had a gill on and was bringing in a bunch of weeds . the rod was pretty well doubled over , when i started seeing swells come up i thought she had a carp on .

after i netted the fish for her she was ready to go home . i guess she figured the day wasn't going to get any better than that . her pic with the fish and a report in her own words is on the michigan page . wixon lake fishing report .
well the old horseless carage is back to being itself again . i used some of that oxi-clean stuff on it , that stuff cleaned up some old blood stains from last years buck that shampooing couldn't get out .

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