06-25-2013, 09:00 AM
I actually set the alarm for 5 AM, but since it was to get an early start on the fishing I didn&#39;t mind (well, not too much anyway). First one to the boat ramp today, and on the water at 6:15. I knew the threadfin shad would be hopeless, so I targeted weedy areas close to shore again for golden shiners. I had a &quot;miracle&quot; morning and EVERY throw of the net was round, or nearly so. NO half-moons, cannonballs, bananas, figure 8&#39;s, or other interesting, if useless, designs. Those who have ever thrown a cast net know exactly of what I speak.........<br /><br />About 2 dozen golden shiners including a couple of really big ones, and three 8-9 inch gizzard shad were today&#39;s catch. I was happy to have them and ran to the channel edge. The fishing was again rather slow, with just enough going on to keep it interesting. Today&#39;s smallest bass in the boat was a 2.5 lb largemouth, with a terrific 3-and-a-little spotted bass next. When the spot jumped, it threw the shiner off of the hook and another bass hit it as soon as it hit the water - must have followed the hooked one all the way up! Several 3.5 and 4 lb. largemouth were interested, including one of about 4 lbs. that took one of those huge gizzard shad. I missed several fish today and got back thoroughly scaled shiners. I was using 4/0 Kahle hooks and they don&#39;t hook up as well as &quot;J&quot; hooks, but I get far fewer deep-hooked bass on them. Even the ones that get hooked deeper normally only get the hook through a strip of the gullet and can be easily unhooked. Good hook style for live bait.<br /><br />Highlight of the day was this 7 pound largemouth taken on a drop from about 18 to 30 feet of water, using one of the bigger golden shiners. A huge fish that didn&#39;t photograph as nicely as I would have liked. It, like most of the others, was part-way down the drops today, with only two fish coming from the 30&#43; depths. No white bass at all today there.<br /><br />I took the remains of the bigger shiners that did not survive the bass attacks and went catfishing. Best fish of several there was a nice 10 pound blue cat, but I didn&#39;t spend too much time on them.<br /><br />Today&#39;s visitor list included cuonthelake, BassERT, and Mr and Mrs drumking. Good to see all of you and look forward to spending some time fishing with each of you.<br /><br />Another wonderful day on the water!!<br />