05-07-2017, 04:56 PM
Paul the Clearwater will fish probably 4 weeks earlier this year than the Salmon. It is not hindered once the fish are there ever by muddy water during the time the Salmon are in the river. Four days back from the first 600 day over Lower Granite the fish will be past Lewiston in catchable numbers. The Clearwater run is forecast to be small hence the four day a week fishing and one fish limit. These Clearwater fish will be to Kooskia in decent numbers 15 days back from the first 600 day as well. Last year they arrived in really good numbers there the same time the fishing got good at Riggins. Usually high dirty water is the norm at Riggins before the fish arrive. With sediment levils going to be very high on the Snake and Columbia dams in a couple of days the Salmon will absolutely stop migrating upstream until the water clears to where they have the oxygen levils to begin moving again. Generally this does not last more than 2-4 days. We may not see those numbers reached at Granite this year until the first of June.