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Linclon Beach closure

Just read this article on KSL. Bummer! I was throwing a casting net in the launch channel last Thursday and had lots of contact with the water. If there are bad bugs in there I surely have them. Have asked wife to watch for changes in behavior... hallucination, stuff like that.

So, if Lincoln Beach is closed does that mean all access and use of the lake in that area is closed?? Goshen Bay okay?? How about launching a kayak by the orchards and fishing eastward? Lots of questions and not many answers.

This algal crap is just a royal pain in the butt. Probably just best to stay away from the stuff and hope it dies and goes away soon. I hate the damper it puts on my fishing.

Clinically depressed.


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Linclon Beach closure - by Boatloadakids - 06-29-2018, 11:03 PM

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