04-03-2002, 10:48 AM
10-4....i`m with ya....it wood B a BLESS`n if ALL parents took ta tyme 2 spend QUALITY TYME with their young`ns....it don`t hav ta B just fish`n it kin B anything,bowl`n, putt-putt,games,catch....just a lil bit of that QUALITY TYME go`s along way....sum of these kid`s nowAdays just don`t no how easy they got it,n with all da SCARE of HRS git`n down sum1`s butt 4 spank`n da kids...n sum kids use it 2 their advantage....it ant da kids i wanna jerk up by da head of hair when i C how sum of them act,it`s da PARENTs....when i was come`n up Buddy if i did sumpin u were`nt suppose ta B dew`n u got your ace whooped....smart mouth bac=i got popped N mouth....dew sumpin i new was wrong=i had ta go cut my own switch,n u better not come bac with no flimsy 1 neither.....hail they don`t even PADDLE `em N school now=WRONG!.....1 of mine tried that crap on me once,after he got a whoop`n he said "well i`ll tell"...i cut him off there n asked "why?"....."well cause that HURT" is what he said....i said "DA".....i told him i`d go Nside n dial da number 4 him if that`s what he wanted ta dew....i told him i`ll C ya when ya git back....got that puzzled look frum him then.....i C 2 many kids run over da parents,sumpin i don`t let mine dew....sorry i got carried away with this.......Bsafe!.......<br><br>