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Hitting the cats a Willard 3/18/19
I was there today only one bit, we were after wipers. using the Itroll was changing speeds 1.2 to 3 mph
saw a lot on the fishfinder but could not get them to bit. I'm not that good at Willard Bay, I don't fish it alot
went there to test the new Suzuki 9.9 HP EFI, High Thrust. Shaft Length 25" (Extra Long). the last one I had was 20" thanks to a post from (SBennett) I bought it.

this Suzuki is ten times better than the 2013 9.9 Merc I had. Need to get this old one out of my yard.

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Re: [wiperhunter2] Hitting the cats a Willard 3/18/19 - by liketrolling - 03-19-2019, 10:54 PM

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