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April foolin' at Lindon 4-1-19
That 30 incher looks fun... way to go! Now if a few more southern fishers could make a contribution we could really get the south rolling.[Sad]

I hit Lincoln with Catcarsen today, met Craig and Ben at the launch. We only caught 3 cats and the last time we met Ben and Craig they had five and they were struggling to find fish. I think we probably know where the fish went now -- they migrated to Lindon. The last few days at Lincoln have been tough fishun'. It will change soon.

Carp spawning??? On our way home Catcarsen spotted some carp wallowing in the grass about a mile south of Lincoln. I dropped him off at his house and he headed back toward the lake with his bow. I doubted he would find any spawning carp this early but he said he found good shootiin'. Said he saw Ben drive by headed for home and waved at him. You couldn't miss him... wading in his underwear with no boots. If you missed him you could not possibly have missed his truck... an El Camino that is like no other in the world.

Anyhow. well done Pat and hopefully a sign of good times to come. It looks like some blustery weather for the next couple of days but the future looks bright if we could just get some decent weather.

Messages In This Thread
April foolin' at Lindon 4-1-19 - by TubeDude - 04-01-2019, 09:15 PM
Re: [TubeDude] April foolin' at Lindon 4-1-19 - by Boatloadakids - 04-01-2019, 11:04 PM

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