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Renewed faith in bird island
Way to go, Justin. I didn't know if you got your boat back on the water. I haven't fished at the island yet this year though I've drifted that far out a few times. We'll have to see if we can go out together one of these days. BTW, how's the algae looking?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

Messages In This Thread
Renewed faith in bird island - by Mooseman75 - 07-20-2020, 02:41 AM
RE: Renewed faith in bird island - by Mooseman75 - 07-26-2020, 12:48 AM
RE: Renewed faith in bird island - by Mooseman75 - 07-26-2020, 05:41 PM
RE: Renewed faith in bird island - by catchinon - 07-30-2020, 12:40 PM
RE: Renewed faith in bird island - by Mooseman75 - 07-30-2020, 03:45 PM

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