07-29-2024, 06:37 PM
(07-29-2024, 04:05 PM)TubeDude Wrote:With over 200 species caught, what species was your favorite to catch?(07-29-2024, 01:56 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Pat, that just gave me a new goal, I've never even thought you could catch two fish on the same lure... That is incredible, now I know I need to put more time on the water to have a chance to do that... Pretty cool story there, almost as cool as the flying fish... Guess I have snagged two cisco at a time on the same treble hook, but that's not the same as mouth hooking the fish.. I'll bet that takes a lot of hook ups to have that happen... Did you ever try to put a number on the fish you have caught over the years? Not that I'm trying to figure odds of that happening, but it's probably a million to one... Thanks for getting Chris to provide the update, always fun to know more... Thanks JeffI have had "reliable" reports of others catching two fish on the same lure. Probably not as rare as you might think, whenever you are using a lure with two or more sets of trebles. The key factor seems to be bringing the lure through a school of competitive and actively feeding fish.
The one other time I got two fish on the same lure...the first time it ever happened to me was while I lived in Sacramento and I was fishing in a private farm pond. I was casting a "Mud Bug" crankbait for the abundant bass in the pond when I had an unusual hit...followed by a weird tussle. When I got it in there were two BIG bull bluegills attached to that one lure. I had evidently dragged it through a bluegill spawning area and it got attacked by two of the colored up male bluegills. But, I couldn't duplicate it. Many more casts to the same spot only produced a couple of single gills and a couple of bass.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I have caught doubles of many species while fishing my fave tandem jig rigs. Lots of perch doubles. But only one double on walleyes...a couple of small ones on a tandem rig at Starvation.
How many fish have I caught? Impossible to even guess. Started fishing when I was 4 and I just turned 81. Been actively fishing...pleasure, commercial and competitively...every year since. At one time, a few years ago, I tried to list at least all the species I had caught...and where. The final count was just over 200 species...from almost every state in the US, from several areas in Mexico, from British Columbia and Alaska...fresh water and salt. I have been blessed to have been afforded the opportunities that I have taken advantage of. Never met a fish I didn't like. Met more than a few that did not like me...for good reason.
Good luck in your quest to get a double on one lure. But I humbly suggest that this is like a lot of other things...especially related to fishing. It ain't something you can specifically target with the likelihood of instantaneous success. Like walleye fishing for most folks...most 'eyes are caught while fishing for something else...and a lot of anglers blank when fishing strictly for walleyes. Howsomever, we are rewarded in life in direct proportion to the number of times we place ourselves in the right position to succeed. In other words...keep fishing a lot and it might just happen. Thus sayeth TD.