04-04-2004, 05:50 AM
Loren- Congratulations on your catch. I went to Mantua on Tuesday with my son Joseph. He caught one trout but I got skunked again. I am about ready to buy the Idaho license and see if I have better luck up there. My boat motor conked out again on us and quit running while in the middle of Mantua, so we rowed back to the dock. I think it isn't getting any spark to the plugs. I took the boat home and parked it and never got the motor fixed. My other son, Nathan, who I own the boat with, took the boat Saturday to the Bear River with his wife to go fishing and didn't know the motor wouldn't start. They pushed out into the water before they realized it and had to row it back to the dock too. He came home and got the other motor from the shed and went back and fished. He was pretty miffed from the reports I heard. When I got home from work I noticed the motor and gas can was put in the trash dumpster! Anyone want an old 1965 Johnson 10 h.p. to fix up or for parts? Tell the "deli" lady hi for me. Have a good one. Acey