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where are the hot spots going to be this weekend?
I would be going fishing to some of my secret creeky hot spots but my baby is in the shop because the mechanic was dragging his you know what and didn't finish putting on my bumper on my truck in time for me to take her out this weekend. I'm soooooo bummed. I hate not having a vehicle!!![mad] Anyway, I hope somebody just goes out and has a heyday so that I get to be all excited and ready to run out my front door and cast on my lawn when I read some of the reports this weekend. Good luck all you lucky lucky fishermen and women this weekend. I'll be watching Billy Dance and Roland Martin thinking of you and being very very jealous!!! [Wink]

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Re: [ocean] where are the hot spots going to be this weekend? - by RiverRat77 - 04-17-2004, 02:14 AM

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