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Believe this??? Yuba's Walleyes
I have been talking to a friend who says he knows of a friend who fishes Yuba regularly since the reservior started filling last febuary. He has been catching big walleyes there every time, and he says they are there. I told my friend that his friend is a bunch of hooey and there's no substantial evidence that 'eyes are back. I pointed out the DWR's gill netting report. He said that "Did DWR gillnet the whole reservior?" I had to admit that they did not... so it is plausible his friend might be telling the truth when I saw that Doug Miller reported someone catching 'eyes recently...

Anybody out here in the BFT land, can you guys confirm this?

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Believe this??? Yuba's Walleyes - by iconoclasticPaul - 05-11-2004, 03:19 PM

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