07-08-2004, 06:46 AM
utah lake is best, i think. deer creek is good for size, and from what ive heared willard isnt too bad either. if you go to utah lake, just about anywhere in the shalows will do. if your fishing in shallow(1-2 feet) water which i recomend, you dont really need to have a reel system, but if your in deercreek or willard where the water may be deeper i would recomend one. they dont cost too much, i think i paid 40 bucks for 2 fish arrows, a reel and line. if your using regular field point arrows i would suggest drilling a hole through the tip, and putting some thing clothes hanger through the hole to act as a barb, melt some solder in it if it is not fitting real tight, it will help keep it in place. hope i could be of some help to ya.