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Fish Cat Versus Togiak
Well I looked over the pics again. I don't like how the Fish cat is folding in on the picture of the other moderator(can't remember name). He looks to have less room now. The Kennebec seems to hold a little more true with ample room for moving around and not fealing cramped. I don't know how much the fish cat guy weighs though. It could be due to the stabalizer in the Kenn keeping it apart more. I guess the chair is supposed to keep the Fish cat from twisting in. I also noticed the Fat cat is 10 inches longer than the Fish cat. Most of the pics I have to review are the fat cat. I did read where you would not buy the fat cat again, but would get the Fish cat. It is by far not a small craft at 44" x 54". Its 4 inches shy of a 2 man boat and almost 5' long. That's almost as long as my nissan pickup bed. LOL

If I could just see the two together. That would finish the deal for sure. I could always buy the Togiak and be happy considering I might not ever see a Fish cat[url "javascript: addTag('Tongue')"][Tongue][/url].

Messages In This Thread
Fish Cat Versus Togiak - by Parstealth - 08-08-2004, 11:11 PM
Re: [Parstealth] Fish Cat Versus Togiak - by Parstealth - 08-09-2004, 01:00 AM

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