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HardWater Fishing
[Wink] Well , Its getting that time of the year that people will start heading out to check the ice on the lakes. Remember to practice all the saftey pointers you've learned ! Most of the drownings during icefishing , comes at first ice when people try to get a head start on everyone else . Its not so dumb to bring a life preserver , a rope , ice picks , whatever you can think !! I think Dave has some tips on this subject on his fishing tips , check it out !! When your out there , and something happens , be prepared , or you might loose your best friend !! I'm done preaching !!!

BE SAFE !!!!!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
HardWater Fishing - by Flagmanonice - 10-27-2004, 12:42 AM
Re: [mateo] HardWater Fishing - by davetclown - 11-01-2004, 08:07 AM

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