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utah lake white bass
The white bass at Utah lake are like any other fish in that if you are where they aint then nothing is going to catch them. It's a big lake. With that said when you do find them watch out. Bright colored jigs have always worked best for me. I've found one color may catch more one day but everyone in the group catches fish when you find them. They are fun and exciting to catch. So much fun that I even had my Grandfather catching them with me once as a kid at the bubble up. He loved to fish but was out of state and didn't have a license. After a hour of watching me pull in fish he finally broke down and grabbed my brothers pole to catch fish for what turned out to be a great afternoon. Grandma rode his case for a week about setting a bad example of fishing without a license but it was worth it he said. He talked about that day at the lake and all those fish we caught to anyone who would listen until he passed away. So when you find them enjoy it because it doesn't get any better then that.

Messages In This Thread
utah lake white bass - by fencekid971 - 03-18-2005, 02:03 AM
Re: [cat_man] utah lake white bass - by GEEZER - 03-18-2005, 06:28 AM
Re: [GEEZER] utah lake white bass - by cat_man - 03-18-2005, 08:04 AM
Re: [fencekid971] utah lake white bass - by tlspyder13 - 03-18-2005, 05:29 AM

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