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Professional depth/fish finder install
I'll try to post up some pics of the install I did on my boat tonight. I mounted a thick plastic plate on the hull first with marine adhesive and only 2 screws thru the hull. With it I can put up to 3 sensors without drilling into the hul and move or change transducers without drilling the hull.
There is also a little cover plate you buy for where the wires go thru the hull. A package of plastic cable ties and your at the front of the boat.
There were not many places to put the screen on my boat either (it's a ski boat not a fishing boat) and again I wanted to drill a minimum of holes so I removed one of the cup holders and placed it there.

Messages In This Thread
Professional depth/fish finder install - by CBR - 06-06-2005, 05:14 PM
Re: [CBR] Professional depth/fish finder install - by Troll - 06-07-2005, 12:34 PM

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