01-04-2006, 03:20 AM
Me and a couple friends of mine were at Blue lake in end of Nov. We decided to go fish the little pond to the south before we left. Shortly after my first cast some guy came up to me and asked if we could help get his friends get unstuck, I didn't want to honostly, but I know what its like to be stuck so I said sure, as long as I dont get stuck. On the left side of the boardwalk about 50' is a trench that is about 4' wide 3' deep and about 15' or so wide. It is is filled with soft mud with 3" of water on top so it looks solid. perfect size for a early 80s 1/2 ton chevy. I gave it my best in 3/4 cummins but that dude was stuck! He ended up getting a tow truck out of Bendover. The fluids coming out his vehicle couldn't have been a good sign looked like a cross between oil and shaving cream[shocked] that cant be good. Be warned blue lake eats vehicles.