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Which Sorel Boots for Strawberry Slush?
Well, my 7+ year old Goretex Northlake Superboots did not hold up to the Strawberry slush last weekend. At the end of the day my boots were soaked thru and thru, curiously, my feet were still relatively dry, which I thought was impressive, but since the leather outers were feet were starting to get cold.

Kent had on some nice Sorels, and I want to get some just like them but I don't know which kind they were? At Sportsmans, they have the $79.99 "Adventure Trail" rated fully waterproof and down to -20 below zero. They appear to be fairly rigid, good for moderate hiking, etc. The other choice is the "Mounty" at $64.99 but are good for -40 below zero. Yet these don't look as sturdy for hiking as they look more rubbery.

What do you all wear out there that keeps your feet WARM and DRY even at Strawberry right now?...I'm not ready to spend another $250 on boots right now...I want to keep it under $100.00.

I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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Which Sorel Boots for Strawberry Slush? - by N.E.T.O. - 01-06-2006, 03:46 AM

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