01-07-2006, 04:21 AM
Thanks for all the replies...my Superboots have STILL not dried out from last Monday, so it was imperative that I bought some tonight so that I could fish tomorrow!
Well, I went to Sportsmans at lunch, then I stopped at Army/Navy on the way home and ended up buying the Sorel Glaciers because I got them for $59.95!!! (I bought some other items while I was there and got a package deal...)
They have a lot of used Mickeys there, and had I not got the deal on the Sorels I probably would have bought a pair ($49.95 used).
I'll let you know how the boots worked out, they are supposed to be good to -100 below...
Thanks again!
By the way, I'll be at Huntington trying to put a Tiger Trout on the board for 2006!
Well, I went to Sportsmans at lunch, then I stopped at Army/Navy on the way home and ended up buying the Sorel Glaciers because I got them for $59.95!!! (I bought some other items while I was there and got a package deal...)
They have a lot of used Mickeys there, and had I not got the deal on the Sorels I probably would have bought a pair ($49.95 used).
I'll let you know how the boots worked out, they are supposed to be good to -100 below...
Thanks again!
By the way, I'll be at Huntington trying to put a Tiger Trout on the board for 2006!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.