01-27-2006, 04:08 PM
whats so funny about his succes is that for yrs i went to the dwr ans told then i had an idea on how to regulate that pound... with the slot and all i got was bs from the division. the devels advocate treatment.. i bugged them ever time i had a chance. at boat show d miller show. on the dang water every time i was checked. ask ut walleye he witnest my dwr tyrades! i knew it would serv the the berry just as it did the gorge. the last thing i want is credit for it just dont want some guy that doesnt deserve credit to claim it was him. he most defantley plaid a huge roll. but it was not his idea at all. this state thinks the fishermen are stupid and do not under stand nature how and why she works. if they would just be moore open to the possabillity sportsman pay attention and do lern. i will be open to witness his true worth as a coordinator.