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Any Success Ice Fishing???
Hi Dave, Are you back up and running again?
I got out yesterday to Lake George [ we call it the King] and it stood up to it name. I limited out for NY it's 50 perch per day. I didn't get any pictures of my haul because I was with a guy who always seems to just get my feet. The way things were going this year I thought I had lost my touch yesterday gave me more confidence again.
I went because there were alot of thing going for the day. First it was the 3rd day of the same weather patern. 2nd we had a weather change for today and 3rd the vektar scale showed two excellent feeding time for the day. The feeding times were right on the money.
I also knew I had luck going for me. In the morning when I picked up the guy I was going with, I got out of the jeep[I usually drive my truck but I had my ladies jeep to save on miles and gas] to put his gear in the back the gate was locked, so I went back to the drivers door and hit the switch to unlock but because I don't drive it all the time I tripped it the wrong way and locked the whole thing up. So we're stuck but only temporarly we are both lock smiths so we were on our way in about 3 minutes. That was the first time I ever made that mistake. That was the bad luck, the good luck started on the drive up to the lake. As I was passing a large truck, he blew his motor, I had just been in back of him. I would have gotten covered with oil and who knows what other engine part came out the back of his truck to run over. I told the guy I was with we have the luck with today. I should have bought some lottery tickets last night.
It was a great day. Chief

Messages In This Thread
Any Success Ice Fishing??? - by chiefpanfish - 02-13-2006, 04:18 PM
Re: [davetclown] Any Success Ice Fishing??? - by chiefpanfish - 03-02-2006, 04:00 PM

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