03-17-2006, 09:00 AM
year befor last I was wading in the lake fishing,
I hooked in to what I am asuming a 12 inch large mouth bass. I know it was infact a large mouth bass because I caught the front half of the fish, the back half of the fish got away from me so I could not tell exactly how long the fish was. as I was reeling him a big ol pike swam up and took a bit out if him. talk about having a bad day (LMB's point of veiw).
so I threw half a fish back in to the water. far as I could throw it, I had no waders and was standing there lots of skin exposed. I have first hand and second hand experience dealing with sharp pike teeth. first hand one got my thumb while reaching for an escaped crappie in a hole in the ice, second hand my index finger. I still have my digets, but not for any inteligence on my part I can tell you, just dumb luck I didnt loose them.
on the up side I can tell you that it didnt hurt to get cut by a pike's tooth. that means the teeth are razor sharp. dull cuts hurt like the dickens, I think most every one can attest to a paper cut...
one time I caught two fish on one hook on the same cast.
it was many years ago in my teen years nearly back in the ice ages. I was out on a privet lake with a buddy, we were fishing for gills, we had been there for the better part of the day and had nothing to show for our efforts. well I finaly got a little scrapper of a bait nibbler, I carried on like I had a monster at the end of my line. just having fun with my fishing bud. well you can emagine the carring on's a youth can do, we were making all kinds of noise whoopin it up and hollaring. it was my first fish of the day so we was going to live it up.
well with all the comotion going on and my delenquancy of bring in my stunted gill my pole doubled over, BIG TIME! I dumbfoundly hooked in to a real wopper. well the wopper of the day, an 18 inch largemouth bass. after steighting up my act I brough the bass in and went to un hook it when I found I had not actualy hooked it, It had swallowed my stunted gill.
by the way before I forget, congradulations on your new title. you sport it well...
I hooked in to what I am asuming a 12 inch large mouth bass. I know it was infact a large mouth bass because I caught the front half of the fish, the back half of the fish got away from me so I could not tell exactly how long the fish was. as I was reeling him a big ol pike swam up and took a bit out if him. talk about having a bad day (LMB's point of veiw).
so I threw half a fish back in to the water. far as I could throw it, I had no waders and was standing there lots of skin exposed. I have first hand and second hand experience dealing with sharp pike teeth. first hand one got my thumb while reaching for an escaped crappie in a hole in the ice, second hand my index finger. I still have my digets, but not for any inteligence on my part I can tell you, just dumb luck I didnt loose them.
on the up side I can tell you that it didnt hurt to get cut by a pike's tooth. that means the teeth are razor sharp. dull cuts hurt like the dickens, I think most every one can attest to a paper cut...
one time I caught two fish on one hook on the same cast.
it was many years ago in my teen years nearly back in the ice ages. I was out on a privet lake with a buddy, we were fishing for gills, we had been there for the better part of the day and had nothing to show for our efforts. well I finaly got a little scrapper of a bait nibbler, I carried on like I had a monster at the end of my line. just having fun with my fishing bud. well you can emagine the carring on's a youth can do, we were making all kinds of noise whoopin it up and hollaring. it was my first fish of the day so we was going to live it up.
well with all the comotion going on and my delenquancy of bring in my stunted gill my pole doubled over, BIG TIME! I dumbfoundly hooked in to a real wopper. well the wopper of the day, an 18 inch largemouth bass. after steighting up my act I brough the bass in and went to un hook it when I found I had not actualy hooked it, It had swallowed my stunted gill.
by the way before I forget, congradulations on your new title. you sport it well...