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Lake Powell Striper Fest

it was close to a hundred bucks...not to bad when you split gas..far as food not to bad...couple of dinners and some snacks.. cheap really. Heck I think woodpile lived on two packages of hot dogs and coffe for 3 days....that double quarter pounder combo meal on the way home was the best one ive ever eaten![sly]

wh2. we were their for a total of 3 days..anchovies were on dry ice and one cooler had the fish ice in this time of year it wern't to warm...75 on friday but probly in the low 40's at night..

Messages In This Thread
Lake Powell Striper Fest - by skipythelurker - 03-26-2006, 01:10 AM
Re: [AFDan52] Lake Powell Striper Fest - by skipythelurker - 03-26-2006, 02:46 PM

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