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Lake Powell Striper Fest

In one of those pics i sent in, Macman is holding the basics set up!! It was a 1/4 oz lead head jig with a 4 inch green curly tail body on it...check them out its a good pic. and that is basicly all we used the entire time we fished. we were mostly using 12 lb test, one of us had only 8 lb and lost numerous fish and jigs. so try to stay at least 12. We kept the chovies frozen and cut them in to five pieces. The middle piece went on the hook and the other 4 were thrown in for chum!! keep an eye on the fishes depth with your sonar and then cast out the aprox distance and leter sink...

Let us know how you do..Ive a pal thats trying to talk us in to another go...its like hunting if you do it right, but once you pull the trigger its all work baby!!!


Messages In This Thread
Lake Powell Striper Fest - by skipythelurker - 03-26-2006, 01:10 AM
Re: [N.E.T.O.] Lake Powell Striper Fest - by skipythelurker - 03-28-2006, 11:59 PM

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