03-29-2006, 09:45 PM
Get a two pole permit and follow skippy's advice on the 1/4 oz jighead w chart or pink tail. We had the most success on circle hooks fished weightless or with a small split shot. We all fished 20 lb propower braid and 1-2 feet 12# flourocarbon. The flouro is virtually invisible in water so no worries about the diameter.
Although we lost some fish due to not being able to hook them on the jigs we did not lose any on the circle (or gamakatsu dropshot) hooks.
These methods skippy mentioned are most successfull where the stripers are congregating like the dam or the power plant intake. If you are fishing out of bullfrog or Halls you will be more succesfull in the backs of canyons locating fish on your graphs and then fishing for them, hoping the chum and action will keep them in their spots.
Good luck!
Although we lost some fish due to not being able to hook them on the jigs we did not lose any on the circle (or gamakatsu dropshot) hooks.
These methods skippy mentioned are most successfull where the stripers are congregating like the dam or the power plant intake. If you are fishing out of bullfrog or Halls you will be more succesfull in the backs of canyons locating fish on your graphs and then fishing for them, hoping the chum and action will keep them in their spots.
Good luck!