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Looking for advice on shore/surf fishing north of sanfran
You may want to bring a 12lb and a 20lb setup with you. Sliding weights, #12, 6, 2, and 4/0 hooks depending on what you want to fish for.

Crabbing requires a hoop net which could probably be rented on the pier when you get here.

Your basic rigs will be the dropper loop, double drop-shot, the slider and even the hang mans rig.

From the shore, you can mostly target surfperch, sting rays and small sharks. Bait can be purchased locally as well or you can bring some Gulp baits if you prefer.

If you decided to go out on the sporties/charters, then you will need some heavier gear for some of the bigger species.[cool]

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Re: [d-mack] Looking for advice on shore/surf fishing north of sanfran - by tubeN2 - 07-18-2006, 12:49 AM

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