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Scofield 12/9
We had three atvs with us. If you were there you would have undoubtedly seen my son driving our red one all over the place.

I figured that the problem with my lures that the fish were snubbing was the smell or lack thereof. I usually have "No Scent soap" or at least some Smelly Jelly with me, but being my first ice trip this season, I forgot it and it didn't make the trip.


Messages In This Thread
Scofield 12/9 - by slayerace - 12-10-2006, 04:21 AM
Re: [slayerace] Scofield 12/9 - by Theekillerbee - 12-10-2006, 02:57 PM
Re: [Theekillerbee] Scofield 12/9 - by slayerace - 12-10-2006, 08:15 PM
Re: [slayerace] Scofield 12/9 - by kj - 12-11-2006, 05:56 PM
Re: [slayerace] Scofield 12/9 - by FishingWaters - 12-10-2006, 04:20 PM

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