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Lincoln Beach Floatilla Phooey 4-6-07
Yep that's pretty much how it was.

But I take exception "so he steped on the while setting up his toon". I did no such thing! Those minnows were OLD and HARD! So much so that I didn't think I could get a lazer hook through them. So I tenderized them using the old greek wine making method. Now they were just fine for fishing.

Would anyone here like to explain to the Mrs that *hit happens and its no big deal. She said I should have jumped over board and dove to the bottom of the lake to find those glasses. She even went as far as suggesting that I needed to stay down there (on the bottom) until I did find them. Sheesh that woman has no sense of humor. If ya all could have seen how it happened. It was too funny.

Now the wind was starting to blow a bit. FB2 annouced he had lost a fin. Kicking as hard as he could he ws making no headway. So I rowed over to him to make sure he was OK. Yes I could have tossed him a line. And yes I could have towed him all over UL. But I opted to *generously* donate on of my fins to him. I mean after all you have to let them grow up sometime don't you?

Well I had a good time Nice to see Polo again, meet Dusty-T, as always fun to fish with TD and FB2

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Re: [TubeDude] Lincoln Beach Floatilla Phooey 4-6-07 - by road - 04-06-2007, 11:21 PM

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