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May 13,2007 Lake Mead
Nice job on the surface lures.... Launch ramp at Callville was a traffic jam on the weekend. Only 2 launch spots! Over an hour in line to recover the Skeeter on Saturday.

Saw three women disembarking with 3 "24packs" of empty Corona beer - so watch out...

Stepping off a drunk parties boat, tied up at the dock, to board the Skeeter at launch; that was at 10:30 in the morning on Sunday.

Lake Mead marina may be a bit better... The contractors have finished on side of a new concrete pour and about 4 capable people can launch medium sized boats simultaneously.

I am setting up for night fishing near weekends.

And fishing during the week - launching is more civilized. There was a ranger vehicle parked at Lake Mead marina yesterday afternoon - unoccupied. I had to chuckle.

Got marauded by a school of stripers near shore last night while bass fishing.

I like those rebel spitting shads - can they still be found?

Messages In This Thread
May 13,2007 Lake Mead - by stripercraze - 05-15-2007, 05:38 AM
Re: [stripercraze] May 13,2007 Lake Mead - by reellittlephish - 05-16-2007, 11:47 PM

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