07-12-2007, 08:34 PM
Here is a suggestion or several. Both I70 and I15 near the I70/I15 interchange in the middle of nowhere, I mean Utah are a little iffy to travel due to a huge wildfire right now. But a little detore might get you into some great sceanery and some fishing. Just west of Green River Utah, get off I70 and drive south toward Hanksville. The scenery here is butt ugly but it gets better. In hanksville stay right and drive through Capital Reef National Park or Monument ( I can't remember which). The scenery here is great. Just west of Capital Reef Turn left and drive over Boulder Mountain to Boulder Utah. There are many lakes and great fishing on Boulder Mountain but you need to either off road or hike to them. The Scenery is great. At Boulder stay right and drive toward Escalanti, Utah. You will be unprepared for the scenery between Boulder and Escalanti. Between Escalanti and Panguich Utah you will pass near Bryce Canyon NP and cross the East Fork of the Severe River ( a blue ribbon trout steam). Ask about in Escalanti about access and tackle and you could buy a license there. If you continue west you will hit highway 89 just south of Panguich. If you turn south there are several roads you can take to rejoin I15. Highway 20 is probably the quickest. This rout will lengthen your trip as many of the roads are 2 lane mountain roads rather than 75 MPH freeway but it might be worth you time. Get a map out and check it out. Good Luck