10-07-2007, 06:53 PM
Personally I'm pretty well done posting pictures. I try and be as careful as I can because I release every thing I catch. But sometimes in the heat of the moment and the hurry to get a picture and release the fish as soon as possible I probably don't hold them politically correct. [unsure] Oh well at least I do release and gently hold them by the tail until they swim off under there own power. I'm sure some don't survive. This does bum me out. I always get PMs about how I hold fish and am trying to do it differently. Smaller fish 5 lbs or less I usually use lip grippers expecially to get the hook out. I've had a hook in my hand before and it sucks. The larger fish do need to be delt with differently and more gentle so there neck don't break. Well just my 2 cents worth.