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Proper handling of fish to be released
[reply] So for those of you who like to stir the pot, and never contribute anything worth while, shut the @$*& up and crawl back under the rocks from whence you came, we don't need you here. [/reply]

Woah!!! Slow down there cowboy! go take some blood pressure medicine or something.

The stuff on the bottom of the pot burns if you don't stir it a bit.

Can we say that this topic is the proverbial dead horse? For that matter the dead carp?

There are good ways, better ways, and then the best ways to do anything. (learned that on channel 5 this morning). Fish handling is one of those things. The fact of the matter is that we are tormenting these fish enough by sticking holes in their mouths, Tongues, etc. If they are sensitive, and you are going to release them, it's a good thing to handle them nicely. If you are going to eat them, who cares?

I think it's funny that people get offended over this kind of stuff. Or in other words, some people have easily hurt feelings.

Messages In This Thread
Re: [Theekillerbee] Proper handling of fish to be released - by TubeDud - 10-08-2007, 03:37 AM

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