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Proper handling of fish to be released
[reply][font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]I have always thought it interesting how we fishermen are quite willing to stick a fish in the mouth with a sharp hook but then are concerned how we handle them afterwards.

That's it ... I'm joining PETA.[/#002850][/size][/font][/reply]

Have you ever practiced catch and release? Different ball game there. I'd rather have a piercing in my lip or Tongue than to have someone shred my lungs up, or to have someone break my jaw. (There is no fishy 911, or Fishy ICU that takes the fishies and cuddles them back to health.)

Yeah fishing is a blood sport, and they will die at times. I understand that.

If you don't realize how important it is to properly handle a fish WHEN PRACTICING CATCH AND RELEASE, then you are a threat to a good fishery.

If you catch a fish that is going home for dinner... Shove a friggin pick axe through it's head for all I care.

Oh yeah... Have fun in PETA.

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Re: [Old_Coot] Proper handling of fish to be released - by TubeDud - 10-09-2007, 04:35 PM

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