10-27-2007, 04:30 AM
Just a thought on the issue, If "you/I" pay maverick 150 on a credit card to fill a tank on a boat, then your "partner/fatherinlaw/buddy/freind" gives you 75 bucks and picks up samiches for lunch. would that not in the eyes of the "law" of any kind constitute money laundering? you take the receipt and, in theory, claim the 150 on taxes after receiving half of that back as cash, does that not also become tax fraud?
If that is the case, I better save my dad NOW. I have given him back 20, or 40, or 100 even after he paid for stuff cause we were both "there" and it was easier for him to pay for it to save time, then i get him later with the greenbacks.....fishing, camping, trips to dineyland.....the list goes on and on....I am a felon!! LOL....[crazy]
really all, if you take the kids next door fishin and their dad slips you a 20 when yall get home, is that the same thing or is that reimbursment for the individuals expense.
my point is, there are many different ways for this kind of thing to be interpreted, but i have learned that just about anything you need to interperet can be either legal or illegal.....it just depends on how many witnesses there are and who they work for.
I would think, and i may be wrong, that for a individual to get ticketed for "guiding without license" the issuing officer would have to witness some kind of money exchange taking place. i mean they cant arrest a prostitute unless they see her take the cash.....same principal, different line of work. unless you pimp fish.[angelic]
If that is the case, I better save my dad NOW. I have given him back 20, or 40, or 100 even after he paid for stuff cause we were both "there" and it was easier for him to pay for it to save time, then i get him later with the greenbacks.....fishing, camping, trips to dineyland.....the list goes on and on....I am a felon!! LOL....[crazy]
really all, if you take the kids next door fishin and their dad slips you a 20 when yall get home, is that the same thing or is that reimbursment for the individuals expense.
my point is, there are many different ways for this kind of thing to be interpreted, but i have learned that just about anything you need to interperet can be either legal or illegal.....it just depends on how many witnesses there are and who they work for.
I would think, and i may be wrong, that for a individual to get ticketed for "guiding without license" the issuing officer would have to witness some kind of money exchange taking place. i mean they cant arrest a prostitute unless they see her take the cash.....same principal, different line of work. unless you pimp fish.[angelic]