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Pineview Today 4/23
Yeah I know Wally World has good worms, that is usually where I get mine, but since I am waiting for my new boat cover to come in and the old one is torn I have to drive without a cove. This means I have my "kicker" motor sittin on the bottom, so long story short, I dont trust anyone and dont want my stuff stolen. As far as where to fish for the Tigers, obviously you didnt hear me when I said that I have been skunked 3 times in a row now, so how would I know where they are at??? HAHAHAHA[:p] Fish the sandy areas 3-8 ft of water around the brush (sticks).

Messages In This Thread
Pineview Today 4/23 - by trout_slayer - 04-23-2008, 05:17 PM
Re: [FishNCoach] Pineview Today 4/23 - by trout_slayer - 04-23-2008, 11:30 PM

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